Wilder Ecological was sub-contracted to provide field leadership, surveys, and Authorized Biologists for mitigation monitoring as the US Army Fort Irwin National Training Center undertook a comprehensive upgrade to the base-wide communications network.

Construction included modifications to 7 existing communication towers, and construction of 13 additional new towers and associated spur lines, placed strategically to provide improved communications access to 1000+ square miles of remote desert training lands.
Wilder filled the roles of Project Field Lead, Field Contact Representative, and Lead Authorized Biologist, and contributed biological monitoring staff to support the Prime (Chambers Group). Daily activities included supervising 5-10 biological monitors and coordination with several construction sub-contracting crews, working at multiple sites throughout the training ranges.

- Staffing of Field Project Management, USFWS Authorized Biologists, Biological Monitors
- Protocol Desert Tortoise, Mojave Fringe-toed Lizard, Burrowing Owl, and MBTA avian surveys
- Desert tortoise tagging and relocation
- Burrowing owl mitigation actions
- Breeding bird nest monitoring
- Mojave finge-toed lizard mitigation actions
- Rare plant surveys and transplantation of >175 succulents
- Joshua tree and Mojave yucca transplanting
- Field Contact Representative role interfaced with US Army and agency interests
- On-site Field Techniques and Safety training as needed for new Biological Monitor hires from Chambers Group, with specific emphasis on Range Safety protocols
- On-site Environmental Awareness Education of all construction personnel
- On-demand mapping (ArcGIS) of sensitive resources
- Data QA/QC, archival, and synthesis of summary progress reports