The 35 mile, 220kV Eldorado-Ivanpah Transmission Project was an upgrade and replacement to an existing 115kV historic line. The upgrade in capacity was needed to transfer new solar power generated in the Ivanpah Valley to a substation near Boulder City, Nevada.
Wilder Ecological was sub-contracted to provide Authorized Biologists to lead sections in staffing and logistics, surveys, and to provide compliance monitoring during construction activities.

- USFWS Authorized Biologists for Desert Tortoise, Leads for surveys and mitigation efforts
- Several desert tortoises were discovered and relocated short distances (<300m) to safe habitat outside the construction action areas
- Authorized Biologists served as Section Leads for construction monitoring efforts
- Mitigation included monitoring for Desert Bighorn Sheep
- Mitigation actions and compliance monitoring for invasive weeds
- Surveys and mitigation actions for Burrowing Owl
- Field crew for MBTA compliance Nesting Bird Surveys
- Environmental compliance monitoring for SWPPP mitigation measures, Air Quality, and general environmental compliance and monitoring as requested
- Data and compliance reporting in the Southern California Edison FRED system